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Learning how to play the electric guitar and Latin rhythms is easy with the guidance of highly acclaimed guitar instructor Rogelio Maya! Designed for the beginner, this course covers all the basics including tuning, identifying the parts of the guitar, chords, progressions, intervals and more. You'll find yourself playing your first song and Latin rhythms of Cumbia, Ranchera, Waltz, Merenque and Ballads in no time! �Aprender a tocar la guitarra el�ctrica y los ritmos Latinos es f�cil con la gu�a del reconocido instructor de guitarra Rogelio Maya! Dise�ado para el principiante, este curso cubre todo lo b�sico incluyendo afinaci�n, las partes de la guitarra, acordes, intervalos y m�s. Tambi�n aprender�s las progresiones m�s usadas de hoy, as� como la forma m�s r�pida y eficaz de entender el diapas�n de tu guitarra. En poco tiempo podr�s interpretar tu primera canci�n y a tocar ritmos de cumbia, balada, ranchera, vals y merengue.

Guitarra El�ctrica Vol. 1

  • By Rogelio Maya
  • Guitar
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