Living Praise was created to help you! Finally, everything you need to plan, rehearse and maintain your blended or contemporary worship ministry program. This collection contains some of the most popular worship songs and beloved hymns, arranged as both stand-alones and fully noted worship medleys. This remarkably flexible resource allows you to choose one of the suggested medleys or create new medleys using the optional (but fully notated) segues. If you're new to contemporary/blended worship we've included special formation and instrument specific set-up and stylistic information to guide you. If you're a well-seasoned worship musician, you'll appreciate the timesaving resources such as the CD-Rom containing lead sheets, rhythm charts, additional instrument parts (hi/low, B-flat, C and E-flat), lyric files for printing/projecting, and the split-track CD for rehearsal and worship. It's all here---from rehearsal to Sunday---and more! Titles Include: Above All * All Creatures of Our God and King * Blessed Be Your Name * Forever * Here I Am to Worship * Holy, Holy, Holy * How Great Is Our God with How Great Thou Art* I Could Sing of Your Love Forever * I Give You My Heart * I Surrender All * I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (Walkin' in the Light) * Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee * My Song Is Love Unknown * O Worship the King * Open the Eyes of My Heart * Praise to the Lord, the Almighty * Shout to the Lord * Take My Life and Let It Be * When I Survey the Wondrous Cross with You Are My King (Amazing Love).
Living Praise
SKU: 27995
- By Andy Albritton and Dave Black
- Choir